Kaerleikshvetjandi blogg

sunnudagur, maí 07, 2006

A Little Boy in Danger
Most of us have some psychic abilities although we might not know it. On second thought, most people would have to admit to have had an instinctive hunch at some time. This can demonstrate itself in various ways. Some people can perhaps sense the coming of unexpected company or something similar. Others might know who´s calling before they even answer the phone. But sometimes, hunches can be much more important than that. Like the one I had in my kitchen some years ago. It was evening and I was preparing dinner and not thinking about anything particular except maybe the cooking. Suddenly an eerie sensation came over me which I couldn´t find any reason for. I felt an incredible urge to leave the apartment and go out to the hallway, but at this time I lived on the third floor in a complex building. I tried to shake the ridiculous feeling off, but to no avail. After some time the urge had become almost unbearable and I finally decided to go out to the hallway and see if anything was going on. Nothing seemed to be happening outside the apartment but the sensation grew as I ventured further. The hallway was very long and there were six apartments on this floor alone. In my desperation I quickly walked along the hallway and headed to the large balcony that was at the end of it. That balcony was meant to be an emergency exit in case of a fire. When I finally reached the balcony a dreadful sight was before me. On the balcony´s railing, a little boy about the age of four was sitting sideways, apparently completely oblivious to the grave danger he was in. I was deeply shocked and my mind raced in despair. It was crucial not to disturb the boy because if he would be startled he might easily loose his balance and fall of the railing to his death. Below the balcony was a concrete parking lot. I decided to sneak up to the boy and try to get a hold on his sweater. I waited until I felt it was sure that the boy did not see me. I quickly tip-toed towards him but as soon as I touched his sweater he screamed at the top of his lungs and for a moment it looked as if he would slip from my hands. I threw myself over him and managed with great difficulty to get both him and myself away from the railing and unto the balcony floor. Shocked as I was, I immediately burst into tears and held the dazed little boy firmly in my arms as if he was my own child. It is clear that in this case, an uncomfortable hunch saved this little boy from a situation that could have ended in a tragedy had I not responded to my instinct feelings as I stood in my kitchen. So, please give your hunches attention and follow them.



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